
Revision of Breast Augmentation

Revision of Breast Augmentation, also known as breast implant revision, is a surgical procedure to correct or modify the results of a previous breast augmentation surgery.

This may involve changing the size or type of implants, addressing complications or aesthetic concerns, or even removing breast implants altogether. The surgery is tailored to the individual’s goals and needs, often requiring adjustments to improve the appearance and overall satisfaction of the breast augmentation. Dr. Sahar is a breast specialist, addressing all forms of breast deformity resulting from previous operations with publication of his work in peer reviewed scientific journals. (2014, 2018)

Revision of Breast Augmentation, also known as breast implant revision or breast implant replacement, is a surgical procedure performed to alter or correct the results of a previous breast augmentation surgery. Here's detailed information about this procedure:


  1. Cosmetic Concerns: Many people seek breast implant revision to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. This may include changing the size, shape, or type of implants or addressing asymmetry or implant malposition.
  2. Implant Complications: Over time, breast implants can develop issues such as rupture, leakage, rippling, or capsular contracture (scar tissue tightening around the implant), which may necessitate revision surgery.
  3. Life Changes: Some individuals opt for revision surgery due to life changes, such as pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or aging, which can affect the appearance of breast implants.


  • Consultation: Before revision surgery, a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial. During this consultation, the patient's specific concerns and goals are discussed, and a customized treatment plan is created.
  • Anesthesia: Revision surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia.
  • Surgical Techniques: The exact techniques used during breast implant revision will depend on the patient's goals and the issues being addressed. These techniques may include:
    • Implant Replacement: If the primary concern is related to the size or type of implant, the surgeon will remove the existing implants and replace them with new ones that meet the patient's desired goals.
    • Capsulectomy or Capsulotomy: For issues like capsular contracture, the surgeon may remove or release the scar tissue capsule around the implant.
    • Implant Repositioning: If there are issues with implant malposition or asymmetry, the surgeon may reposition the implants to create a more balanced appearance.
    • Implant Removal: In some cases, individuals may choose to have their implants removed altogether. This is often referred to as implant explantation or breast implant removal.
    • Suturing and Recovery: After making the necessary adjustments, the surgeon sutures the incisions. Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the procedure but generally involves some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which gradually subside.


The results of breast implant revision are designed to address the patient's concerns, whether they are related to aesthetics or implant-related issues. The goal is to achieve improved symmetry, appearance, and overall satisfaction.

Risks and Considerations:

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks, including infection, bleeding, scarring, and anesthesia-related complications. Revision surgery is often more complex than the initial breast augmentation, and it may require adjustments to the pocket where the implant sits. Choosing an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon is crucial to achieving the desired outcome and minimizing potential risks.


If you are considering breast implant revision, it's essential to consult with a skilled plastic surgeon who can evaluate your unique case, discuss your goals, and create a personalized treatment plan to address your specific concerns.


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