
Breast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal, also known as explantation, is a surgical procedure to remove breast implants from the breasts. It may be performed for various reasons, including medical complications (e.g. implant rupture, pain, breast implant illness, exposure, infection), , cosmetic concerns (e.g. capsular contracture, asymmetry, nipple malposition, sagging), or personal preferences.

The procedure involves removing the implants, with partial or complete surrounding scar tissue (capsule), to return the breasts to their natural state. Depending on individual circumstances, a breast lift may be performed to address changes in breast shape and sagging. Dr. Sahar has over a decade of experience in removing breast implants for variety of medical and personal reasons and performing mastopexy with and without auto-augmentation using inferior breast flap to address the deflated and sagging look after implant removal and optimize nipple position and projection.

Breast Implant Removal, also known as explantation, is a surgical procedure in which breast implants are removed from the breasts. This procedure may be performed for various reasons, including medical complications, cosmetic concerns, or a change in personal preferences. Here is more detailed information about breast implant removal:


  1. Medical Complications: Some women may experience complications related to breast implants, such as implant rupture, leakage, or capsular contracture (scar tissue tightening around the implant), which necessitate implant removal.
  2. Cosmetic Concerns: Over time, individuals may develop cosmetic concerns or simply decide that they no longer desire breast implants, leading to their removal.
  3. Change in Lifestyle or Preferences: Life changes, such as pregnancy or a shift in lifestyle, may influence a woman's choice to remove her breast implants.


The breast implant removal procedure varies depending on the specific circumstances and goals. The process generally involves the following steps:
  • Consultation: An initial consultation with a plastic surgeon is essential. The surgeon will evaluate the patient's reasons for explantation, discuss the surgical process, and create a personalized treatment plan.
  • Anesthesia: Breast implant removal is typically performed under general anesthesia, but in some cases, local anesthesia with sedation may be used.
  • Surgical Techniques: The surgeon may employ one of the following techniques:
    • En Bloc Capsulectomy: This involves removing both the implant and the scar tissue capsule that forms around it, especially if there are concerns about implant rupture or silicone leakage.
    • Implant Removal with Capsule Preservation: In some cases, the capsule may be left in place, but the surgeon will remove the implant (e.g. replacement of implant with small or large implant). Capsulotomy and capsulorrhaphy techniques are employed to reposition and shape the breast.
    • Breast Lift: After implant removal, some patients may require a breast lift (mastopexy) to address changes in breast shape and sagging.
    • Suturing and Recovery: After the implants are removed, the incisions are sutured closed. If capsule is removed, drains are placed to reduce risk of fluid accumulation (seroma). Recovery time varies but generally involves some swelling and discomfort, which typically subside over time.


The results of breast implant removal aim to address the patient's concerns, whether related to medical complications, aesthetics, or personal preferences. The breasts will return to their natural state, but changes in breast shape or volume may occur.

Risks and Considerations:

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, including infection, scarring, changes in breast appearance, and anesthesia-related complications. It's important to have a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon to discuss the expected results and any potential complications.


If you are considering breast implant removal, consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can assess your unique situation, discuss your goals, and create a personalized treatment plan. The decision to remove breast implants is a personal one, and it should consider the patient's individual needs and circumstances.


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