
Breast Fat Graft Transfer

Breast Fat Graft Transfer, or autologous fat transfer to the breasts, is a cosmetic procedure that enhances breast size and shape using the patient’s own fat. This process involves liposuction to harvest excess fat from donor areas, such as the abdomen or thighs.

The harvested fat is then purified and carefully injected into the breasts to provide natural-looking enhancement. This approach is a minimally invasive alternative to breast implant surgery and offers the dual benefit of body contouring in addition to breast enhancement. Dr. Sahar has special interest in fat transfer to breast. He has performed hundreds of procedures involving fat transfer to breasts for both cosmetic and reconstruction reasons. Dr. Sahar is an award winning (“Best of the Best” by ASPS) plastic surgeon in the area of fat graft and invited author in writing book chapter (Scientific Principles of Adipose Stem Cells) and investigating safety of fat graft in breast.

Breast Fat Graft Transfer, also known as autologous fat transfer to the breasts, is a surgical procedure that involves using the patient's own fat cells to enhance the size and shape of the breasts for either cosmetic or reconstructive reasons. Here is more information about this procedure:


  1. Liposuction: The procedure typically begins with liposuction, where excess fat is removed from areas of the body with an adequate fat supply. Common donor areas include the abdomen, thighs, or flanks.
  2. Fat Processing: The harvested fat is then processed to remove impurities and excess fluids, leaving only healthy fat cells.
  3. Injection: The purified fat cells are carefully injected into the breasts to augment their size or improve their shape. This process may involve multiple injections, layering the fat for optimal distribution.
  4. Suturing: Once the fat is successfully transferred, incisions are sutured closed, and the patient is provided with post-operative instructions.


The results of breast fat graft transfer can be natural-looking and provide a modest increase in breast size. The degree of enhancement can vary depending on the patient's available fat supply and individual goals.


  1. Natural Enhancement: The use of the patient's own fat minimizes the risk of allergic reactions or implant-related complications and can provide a more natural look and feel.
  2. Dual Benefit: The procedure simultaneously contours donor areas, offering body sculpting benefits in addition to breast enhancement.
  3. Minimally Invasive: Compared to breast implant surgery, fat transfer is less invasive and typically results in smaller, less conspicuous incisions.


  1. Limitations: Fat grafting can provide a modest increase in breast size, but it may not achieve the same level of augmentation as breast implants. Significant size changes may require multiple sessions.
  2. Reabsorption: Not all transferred fat cells survive in their new location. Some may be reabsorbed by the body, which can result in a smaller than expected increase in breast size.
  3. Multiple Sessions: Achieving the desired results may require multiple fat transfer sessions, typically spaced several months apart.
  4. Implant vs. Fat Transfer: The choice between breast implants and fat graft transfer depends on the patient's goals, existing breast tissue, and the degree of enhancement desired.
  5. Consultation: It is essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if you are a suitable candidate for breast fat graft transfer and to discuss your specific goals and expectations.
Breast fat graft transfer is a cosmetic procedure that can offer a natural-looking enhancement for individuals looking to increase their breast size while achieving the added benefit of body contouring through liposuction. It is a suitable option for those who prefer a less invasive approach and are willing to accept the potential limitations of the procedure.


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